Thursday, January 1, 2015


What do you think of when you hear the word.... Reflect?

You could reflect on a certain situation, your family life, your work life, how about even your year? 

2014.... Some would say that it was a fantastic year, some would see it was a good year, some would say it was an okay year, some would say it was a bad year, and some could even say it was an awful, no good, very bad, terrible year.  Which one do you fall under?

For me, 2014 was a a little bit of everything. I got to travel a lot, I paid off some debt, I worked, I spent time with friends, got great advice from those I love, learned that I am worth it, lost a family member, lost friendships, but gained some new ones too, read a book that made me want to be brave in everything I do, and loving myself if the first step.

Some of us can say that we love ourselves, and some of can say we don't. Loving myself, for me, has been a huge struggle my entire life. I've grown up thinking that I am not beautiful, worth it, or even lovable. But over the course of 2014, my perspective has been changing and I can now see that I was made uniquely, that I am beautiful, and that loving myself, where I am at, is worth it. 

As 2015 starts, I want to encourage you all that we are all unique, we are all worth it, and you can love yourself. These three statements have been big learning steps in my life and everyday I wake up, look myself in the mirror and tell myself these statements. I didn't believe it at first, but I wanted to challenge myself to speak positive into my own life and see what happens. And boy, have I changed. You can too!

Your statements might be different to you. If we can say positive statements to other people to encourage them, why can't we do the same for ourselves? Yes, it is difficult to speak positively about myself, and accept my own compliments, but as I keep saying those statements, I am believing them more and more. I am starting to see that I was created for a purpose, a purpose that no one else can do. 

Each one of us has one, and each one of us needs to see that and live it out. Living a life of purpose is what we were all created to do, but each one is different. Some may have some similarities, but each one is unique. 

So I encourage your to be brave, to step out and start speaking positively to yourself, start seeing your purpose, start living out your purpose. 2015 is the year of bravery for me. What is 2015 going to be for you?

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