Friday, December 5, 2014


I've never thought about the fact that I look just like how God wanted me to look. Take a second, spot and think about that. Today's society wants us all to look like the next skinny model, or the beast mode dude. I, for one, am not skinny nor beast mode. But I look just like what God created me to be.

That is mind blowing to me. All my life I have viewed myself as someone who is not beautiful, someone who is not worth the time of day, and someone who isn't going to amount to anything. Trust me, I've heard it all with the compliments, and the don't let anything people say get to you. But let's be honest, it is difficult to view yourself differently than what you have your entire life. 

God wants us to view ourselves the way He created us, which is just how we are. Imperfect, broken, and sinful. But he uses all of those things to show us, we are worth so much more. We are beautiful and handsome. We may not be skinny or workout everyday. But we are created just how God has us. 

God created me to be clumsy, imperfect, broken, but He has given me a heart to serve, care for people, and to write. There are a lot of things that I can't do, but there are also a lot of things I can do. And for me, I am going to do those things that God placed in my heart to do. 

It's time I start seeing myself the way God created me to be. I am only human, but my God is bigger and with my willing heart, I am ready to see me differently. 

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